This Sunday at Peace

Scripture: Acts 2:1-21

a note from Holly

I must have cried four times before noon on Tuesday.

It wasn’t all grief—my heart breaking as I listened on the phone, around a table, over a zoom.

Some of it was a thankful heart; when my heart is so full that I have to look away because people are just so radiant.

Through all of these connections, there was the gift—free and unexpected—of the Spirit.

That’s what we hear on this Pentecost Sunday. God’s Spirit descends and the followers become a community of rich connection. The young see visions. the old dream dreams.

I’m thinking about campus protests and old women waving signs...and what it means for all of us to live out of our truest God-created selves.

If the question for Eastertide was what does it mean to live a resurrected life, then the question for Pentecost is what does it mean to YOU to live in touch with the Spirit that is at the heart of all life.

Thankful, as ever, for the ways you open my heart.
