
Last Sunday after worship I gave a short synopsis of my Pandemic journey at Peace Church. It’s a lot to cover in twenty minutes and most of it was dedicated to changes I’ve made in my life that are geared towards improved health. I wrote about sleep in this space recently, but that is just one of at least eight fundamental habits for better living. So I want to take a step back and list some amazing podcasts that have impacted me. I ran through these quickly during my discussion and feel like they are important enough to mention to a wider audience.

David Sinclair is a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and played a key part in several discoveries concerning longevity. His book and podcast Lifespan are a great place to start. You’ll learn about ways to actually reverse the aging process.

Andrew Huberman is a neuroscientist at Stanford School of Medicine. His podcasts are long and detailed and extremely helpful in understanding a wide range of topics including hormones, sleep, nutrition, anxiety, creativity and generally ways of optimizing health.

Gil Blander is a scientist and the founder of Inside Tracker. His podcast Longevity By Design features many of the leading researchers in longevity. Topics include biological aging clocks, the gut microbiome and even simple lifestyle changes that impact health and longevity.

Others I regularly listen to include The Doctor’s Farmacy with Mark Hyman, Dr. G’s Heal Thy Self, Basecamp with Pat Dossett, Being Well with Dr. Rick and Forrest Hanson, and Speaking of Psychology.

I recommend starting with David Sinclair then checking out some of these others to see what format and information speaks to you.


Slow down. Add calm. Be love.


Are We Powerless?