Sharing Happiness – Part 70

My favorite podcast, “Pop Culture Happy Hour” ends their show with each member saying what made them happy the previous week. The rule is that it must be something anyone could enjoy if they chose (i.e., books, movies, twitter feeds, albums).

JB:  I’m always on the hunt for inventory for my eBay business.  Last Saturday we visited Nate’s Swap Shop at the old 63rd Street Drive-In on the Missouri side.  It’s basically like going to a bunch of garage sales without moving your car.  It’s open every Saturday and Sunday all year round.  You have to get there early to get the best stuff.  We arrived around 10:30am and found a few things, but we still had fun walking around on the hunt for interesting finds.  Next, we’re going to try the old Boulevard Drive-In on the Kansas side which has a similar open-air market.  Stay tuned.

M|B:  Every year I forget how much I enjoy going to Friday Night High School Football games.  The cheerleaders cheer the same cheers they did when I was in high school.  The band still wears those crazy hats.  Football players are excited when plays go well.  High School students passionately cheer for their team.  It’s an opportunity for teenagers to have fun with their friends, show off their skills, and be in community.

EB:  Last semester I had 8:00 a.m. classes every day of the week, so breakfast did not happen.  This semester, my earliest class is at 9:30 a.m., which is heavenly.  Because of the later start, I can eat a couple of pieces of toast before heading out.  My favorite is to top my toast with vegan cream cheese (Daiya is my favorite brand) and some honey.  It’s delicious, and I look forward to it every morning.

CB:  The Peace Dungeons and Dragons group has been a lot of fun.  If you want to join, you can e-mail me or Paula.  We will send you the details.  It’s a great group for people who have never played before or for people who have played a lot.  We’re getting ready to go attack some goblins so now is a great time to come and play.

Bonus Recommendation:  We’ve watched the first two episodes of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power because we’re big Tolkien nerds around here.  It’s a crazy expensive show and it shows.  The cinematography is so beautiful.  The first two episodes have been a lot of world building (the story takes place centuries before Frodo and his friends set out), but we hope it is going to be a grand adventure.


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