
Lately I’ve been saying it to nearly every patient.

Focus on your sleep.

Exercise, healthy diet and restorative sleep. These are the most important things you can do for your health. And during these dark cold days of winter the easiest to imagine is sleep. Going to bed early. Waking up late. The bedroom cool and dark. A perfect pillow and the right combination of sheets and blankets.

I’ve been wearing a sleep tracker for the past few months. Comparing the amount of deep and REM sleep with how I generally feel during the day has been motivational. By drinking less alcohol and eating earlier in the evening, I’ve had better sleep quality.

I definitely need to go to bed earlier. Especially during the week, when my alarm goes off several hours before sunrise. It turns out that I’m less anxious, more optimistic, and my thinking is noticeably clearer with seven hours of sleep than with six or less.

And studies show that with better sleep quality I’ll live longer and have a lower risk of dementia. Our brains heal during sleep. In the same way that our liver and kidneys filter our blood, cerebrospinal fluid filters toxins from our brain. And it happens mainly at night- when we are horizontal and in deep- non REM- sleep. Without deep sleep we become increasingly scattered and unfocused. And REM sleep is just as important- we consolidate memories and information- repackaging information to keep us sharp and creative during the day. Alcohol profoundly limits REM sleep.

So I’ll keep trying to do better. Dimming the lights an hour before bed. Cutting back on late night chocolate and overindulgence. Turning the TV off sooner. No scrolling through social media.

And most days, despite the short, cold, overcast days, I’ll wake up refreshed and optimistic. Ready to spend this gift of a day thoughtfully, creatively and constructively. We are so wonderfully made!


Sharing Happiness – Part 74


Angels All Around